School speed zone flashers are still operating throughout Ada County despite many school closures. At this point in time, the Ada County Highway District has no plans to shut off all the flashers in the county.
ACHD is currently prioritizing crucial operations to help curb the spread of COVID-19 and to protect staff and employees from the virus.
Since this type of work would take days to do and there isn't a remote means of shutting it off, this is not a priority at the moment.
However, the school zones flashers are already programmed to be off beginning this Friday afternoon until Monday, March 30th because Spring Break is next week.
If ACHD gets an early decision from the school districts to extend the school closures beyond next week, we will revisit the issue and look at reprogramming the flashers for a later return to school date. Currently, the school districts have not posted any changes to their closure schedules, which have them returning to school on the 30th.
ACHD made law enforcement partners aware of the situation so they can adjust their traffic enforcement guidance to officers in the field.